Six bamboo fruit garden
Six bamboo fruit garden
Six bamboo fruit garden
Six bamboo fruit garden
Six bamboo fruit garden
Six bamboo fruit garden


Price: Free

Phone: 0962626660

Time to visit a place: 120 phút

2,402 0

Open Time: 7:00 AM - Close Time: 6:00 PM


Address: quốc lộ 1A Xã Hàm Minh, Huyện Hàm Thuận Nam, Binh Thuan Provice

Sau Truc fruit garden is located in Ham Minh commune, Ham Thuan Nam district, from Phan Thiet to Saigon, when passing the Phan River toll station 50m, turn right and add 300m to the garden. The garden is 2 hectares wide, half of the land area is planted with dragon fruits according to VietGAP standards; The remaining half of the area is planted with tropical fruit trees such as coconut, mango, pomelo, banana, papaya, guava, custard apple... serving guests to visit the garden and enjoy. In addition, in the garden, there are lakes and ponds with many kinds of freshwater fish, giant freshwater shrimp, etc. for tourists to enjoy fishing. When visiting the orchard, visitors will encounter poultry such as chickens, ducks, geese, and geese that are used to serve family parties according to the needs of visitors.





Sau Truc fruit garden is located in Ham Minh commune, Ham Thuan Nam district, from Phan Thiet to Saigon, when passing the Phan River toll station 50m, turn right and add 300m to the garden. The garden is 2 hectares wide, half of the land area is planted with dragon fruits according to VietGAP standards; The remaining half of the area is planted with tropical fruit trees such as coconut, mango, pomelo, banana, papaya, guava, custard apple... serving guests to visit the garden and enjoy. In addition, in the garden, there are lakes and ponds with many kinds of freshwater fish, giant freshwater shrimp, etc. for tourists to enjoy fishing. When visiting the orchard, visitors will encounter poultry such as chickens, ducks, geese, and geese that are used to serve family parties according to the needs of visitors.


Review and Evaluation

(From total review)

Sample Plan


