There are 32 travel businesses in Binh Thuan area

07/08/2024 550 0

Pursuant to the 2017 Law on Tourism, the Department of Culture, Sports and Tourism has just announced the activities of travel service businesses in Binh Thuan province.

(Sao Mai Tour International Travel; Photo: Nguyen Vu)

Accordingly, as of August 1, 2024, there are 32 travel companies based in Binh Thuan province licensed to operate by the authorities, including 15 international travel companies licensed by the Department of Tourism. Vietnam National Tourism licensed and 17 domestic travel companies licensed by the Department of Culture, Sports and Tourism.

In the announcement, the Department of Culture, Sports and Tourism also requested travel service businesses in the province that have not been licensed according to current regulations to immediately stop operations until fully implementing the regulations. Procedures to be granted a travel business license according to regulations. At the same time, it is recommended that organizations and individuals when entering into travel contracts should choose a unit with a travel business license according to regulations to ensure the legitimate rights of customers. If you discover travel agencies operating without a license, please notify the Department of Culture, Sports and Tourism, phone: 0252.3813958 to immediately carry out inspection and handling according to regulations.

Information on the list of licensed travel agencies will be regularly updated on the website of the Department of Culture, Sports and Tourism at: www. and Provincial Tourism Promotion Center at


Nguyen Vu

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