Binh Thuan deploys activities to stimulate domestic tourism in 2024

26/06/2024 222 0

The Department of Culture, Sports and Tourism has just sent a document to the Department of Tourism Management, Department Inspectorate and the Provincial Tourism Promotion Information Center to implement activities to stimulate domestic tourism in 2024 with the theme “Vietnamese people travel to Vietnam - Vietnam I love”.

(There will be promotions for entertainment services; Photo: Nguyen Vu)

  Accordingly, the Department of Culture, Sports and Tourism requested the Department of Tourism Management to advise on documents requesting tourism businesses (accommodation establishments, travel agencies, tourist attractions, and entertainment areas). ...) implement promotional programs in the form of increased services, reduced room prices, food service prices and reduced entrance fees to attractions, discounts on games and other services... or apply Use other forms of promotion.

Along with that, monitor and urge tourism businesses to seriously ensure service quality when participating in stimulus programs. Coordinate with localities in management work, propaganda work, and mobilizing people to be self-aware and actively participate in maintaining security, order, and environmental sanitation; practice a civilized lifestyle and respect the law; Be civilized and friendly towards tourists. In addition, we must proactively and actively participate in effective cooperation and linkages in tourism development.

The Inspectorate of the Department of Culture, Sports and Tourism must strengthen inspection and inspection of compliance with state regulations for tourist accommodation establishments and travel businesses; Coordinate inspection and control of prices and quality of goods and services for tourists, strictly handle cases of non-compliance with price posting and selling at listed prices, hygiene regulations. Food safety and environmental sanitation at tourist areas, restaurants, hotels, attractions, and buying and selling goods to serve tourists. In particular, the inspection work reminds us to ensure safety for visitors at swimming pools and coastal beaches. At the same time, strengthen inspection and control of entertainment activities, especially in key tourist areas, to ensure the prevention of social evils and illegal business activities.

(Cuisine is also one of the products that tourists expect to have in the Binh Thuan tourism stimulus program; Photo: Nguyen Vu)

Particularly, the Tourism Promotion Information Center must preside over and coordinate with agencies, organizations, businesses, and communities to launch the program "Vietnamese people travel to Vietnam - Vietnam I love" in the province. with specific content, new tourism programs, product packages with good service quality to increase tourist experience, diversify products and improve service quality. In addition, widely propagate on the website and in many other forms the message of the Domestic Tourism Stimulation Program with the theme "Vietnamese people travel to Vietnam - Vietnam I love" to encourage tourism demand. domestic calendar.

Regularly organize destination introduction programs, promote tourism products, festival events, and Binh Thuan's 2024 domestic tourism stimulation programs in the media and at conferences. , seminars, fairs about tourism.... tourism development links Extensive information about operating hours of tourist areas, attractions, tourism products and services in the area ready to attract tourists in the summer tourist season of 2024. On the other hand , promote the effectiveness of the hotline, receive and promptly process feedback and recommendations from tourists; Strengthen the provision of information to tourists about local tourism destinations and services.

Nguyen Vu

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