Implement a cultural, sports and tourism cooperation program between Binh Thuan and Tuyen Quang

17/01/2024 737 0
Director of the Department of Culture, Sports and Tourism Bui The Nhan has just signed a plan to implement the cooperation program in the field of culture, sports and tourism between the Department of Culture, Sports and Tourism of Binh Thuan province and the Department of Culture, Sports and Tourism of Binh Thuan province. Department of Culture, Sports and Tourism of Tuyen Quang province.

(Director of Binh Thuan Department of Culture, Sports and Tourism Bui The Nhan gave a souvenir to Director of Tuyen Quang Department of Culture, Sports and Tourism Au Thi Mai at the meeting on the cooperation program; Photo: Nguyen Vu)

In the spirit of cooperation in the fields of culture, sports and tourism between the two Departments of Culture, Sports and Tourism of Binh Thuan province and Tuyen Quang signed on July 5, 2023, the two provinces will organize cultural activities. culture, sports and tourism from 2024 and following years, with a rotating cycle of every 2 years. In 2024 it will be held in Tuyen Quang, in 2026 it will be held in Binh Thuan with cultural, sports and tourism exchange activities to exchange, introduce, promote and learn from each other's experiences; Prioritize promoting the potential and advantages of each locality.

Between the two sectors, performing arts quotas will be swapped to serve political tasks that rotate every two years along with other sectors. Specifically: In the field of physical education and sports, regularly exchange expertise, share and learn experiences in physical training and sports activities; in management and advising on policies to support the development of mass sports and high-performance sports. Cooperate in training and developing strong and key high-performance sports suitable to the needs and capacities of the two localities.

(Tuyen Quang famtrip group visits and surveys Binh Thuan tourism products; Photo: Nguyen Vu)

In the field of tourism between the two localities, they will cooperate to develop tourism products connecting the two localities based on the tourism development potential of the two localities (forest - sea - lake - historical relics), Select typical tourism products to introduce and orient tourism businesses in the two localities to cooperate in building programs and tours connecting the two localities, in order to exchange and increase traffic. tourists, creating conditions to connect the travel, accommodation and tourist transportation business system.

Between Binh Thuan and Tuyen Quang, they will exchange experiences in developing tourism products associated with their local characteristics. Every year, Binh Thuan province establishes a delegation of tourism businesses and travel businesses from Binh Thuan to attend cultural and tourist activities and events of Tuyen Quang province at the invitation of the province and vice versa. Joint tourism promotion aims to promote the tourism image of the two localities to domestic and foreign tourists. Encourage tourism businesses to actively participate in stimulating tourism demand through promotional programs and discounts while still ensuring the quality of tourism services, creating a common tourism product, jointly promoting, marketing.

(Introducing and promoting tourism products and OCOP Binh Thuan in Tuyen Quang; Photo: Nguyen Vu)

Support and facilitate propaganda and introduction activities about tourism on the mass media of each locality; Regularly update tourism information of the parties on their local websites. Coordinate to organize Famtrip groups to promote and market tourism products of each locality; Support the building of tourism images. Timely information on plans to organize annual cultural, sports and tourism events of localities; Actively support and create favorable conditions for relevant departments, agencies, units and tourism businesses to participate.

Nguyen Vu

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