Launching the movement on doing volunteer work to support tourists

01/11/2018 4421 0 To celebrate the 23rd anniversary of Binh Thuan tourism day (October 24th, 1995 – October, 24th, 2018), on the morning of October 8th, 2018, at the University of Phan Thiet, the Vietnam national Administration of Tourism coordinated with The Binh Thuan Department of culture, sports and tourism to mobilize the movement among students to do support tourists To celebrate the 23rd anniversary of Binh Thuan tourism day (October 24th, 1995 – October, 24th, 2018), on the morning of October 8th, 2018, at the University of Phan Thiet, the Vietnam national Administration of Tourism coordinated with The Binh Thuan Department of culture, sports and tourism to mobilize the movement among students to do support tourists. Attending to the meeting, there were representatives of national Travel Department, Binh Thuan Department of culture, sports and tourism and more than 100 students of universities and colleges in Binh Thuan province.


(Deputy Director of Binh Thuan Department of culture, sports and tourism –

Mr. Huynh ngoc Tam gave the speech at the meeting; photo: Nguyen Vu)

Ms. Le Thao - Deputy Director of national Travel Department – Vietnam National Administration of Tourism  gave the speech: “ volunteer  force will focus on the holiday destinations of the localities which have numerous domestic and foreign tourists. The volunteers will be the students who are major in tourism at the universities and of Phan Thiet city. They will be the tourism ambassadors to directly support tourists and to promote the history, culture and images of their homeland. The image of the volunteers will be the beautiful flowers for the destination of Mui Ne – Phan Thiet to the eyes of tourists more closely”.


(Deputy Director of national Travel Department gave the speech; photo: Nguyen Vu)

Giving the speech, Deputy Director of Binh Thuan Department of culture, sports and tourism – Mr. Huynh Ngoc Tam said that: “Building and forming the volunteer force to do support tourists are really crucial in order to supplement a force that is qualified, efficient and specially for the high season about the tourism and  cultural – sporting activities. In order to continue bring into play the this model, in the upcoming time, the schools will have to hold a training for students. Further more, This movement is not only for students, it is also for all kinds of people so as to join hands in supporting tourists”.

(Future volunteers; photo: Nguyên Vũ)

Right after the launching ceremony, more than 100 students of University of Phan Thiet, Binh Thuan community college and vocational college were taught all skills and knowledges to  support tourists from the experts of HCM university of social and sciences and humanities. On that basic, the future volunteers will prove their youth and be willing to receive and accomplish their taks successfully for supporting tourists when coming to Phan Thiet – Binh Thuan. As we had known that, the lauching ceremony among students to do support tourists had been held by Vietnam national Administration of Tourism in Nha Trang – Khanh Hòa province; And Phan Thiet – Binh Thuan povince was the second locality of the nation.

Nguyên Vu
Translated by Van Thao

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