Summary of National Tourism Year 2023 "Binh Thuan - Green Convergence"

29/12/2023 1901 0
- On the afternoon of December 27, at the Provincial Convention Center (Hai Thuong Lan Ong Street, Phan Thiet City), the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism together with the People's Committee of Binh Thuan province organized the Closing Ceremony of the National Tourism Year 2023 “Binh Thuan - Green Convergence”

Attending were Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee Doan Anh Dung, Deputy Director of the National Tourism Administration Ha Van Sieu, representatives of local leaders and Dien Bien and Dong Nai provinces, representatives of departments, branches and tourism businesses.

(Vice Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee Nguyen Minh spoke; Photo: Nguyen Vu)

In 2023, with the agreement of the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism, Binh Thuan province is honored to be chosen to host the National Tourism Year with the theme "Binh Thuan - Green Convergence". Throughout 2023, there will be a unique and colorful Opening Ceremony, over 200 exciting and attractive events, forums and festivals, creating positive effects and attracting the attention of all walks of life. association, mobilizing community strength to promote rapid recovery and sustainable development of tourism.

(Deputy Director of the National Tourism Administration Ha Van Sieu speaks; Photo: Nguyen Vu)

At the ceremony, Deputy Director of the National Tourism Administration Ha Van Sieu praised, appreciated and congratulated Binh Thuan for its efforts and successful results throughout the past year. This recognition has been included in the summary report by the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism as a typical event of the Industry in 2023. According to the Deputy Director of the National Tourism Department, the National Tourism Year 2023 has contributed part to raise awareness about the role of tourism in socio-economic development at all levels, sectors and people, especially green tourism and sustainable tourism. At the same time, this is also a push to reactivate many investment projects, many completed projects, opening a new chapter of quality, classy, ​​professional tourism, affirming the brand for Binh Thuan tourism. in particular, and Vietnam in general.

(Awarded Certificate of Merit from the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism; Photo: Nguyen Vu)

The successful organization of the National Tourism Year 2023 has contributed to the overall success of Vietnam Tourism with many results exceeding expectations. Accordingly, the total number of Vietnamese tourists exceeds the 2023 plan target of over 100 million; including over 12 million international tourists. Notably, Vietnamese tourism received 54 awards at the 2023 Asia Pacific Regional Awards Ceremony of the World Travel Awards, continuing to affirm the brand and position of Vietnamese tourism on the map. travel the world.

(Provincial People's Committee awarded Certificates of Merit to groups and individuals; Photo: Nguyen Vu)

For Binh Thuan, the National Tourism Year 2023 has had a positive impact on the province's socio-economic development, specifically: tourism activities have had a large growth in the number of visitors; creating a spillover effect for other socio-economic sectors to develop together; Open more markets for goods and services, promote trade activities and bring high efficiency... As a result, by 2023, Binh Thuan will welcome more than 8.5 million visitors, of which international visitors reach about 220,000. in turn. The number of tourists to the province increased by an average of 16.28%/year, and international visitors increased by an average of 2 times/year.

(Photo: Nguyen Vu)

Speaking at the Closing Ceremony, Vice Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee Nguyen Minh said: "In 2023, in a situation where the national economy is still suffering from "double impacts" from adverse external factors, the province has made efforts to , determined to organize the National Tourism Year with flexible adaptation. Residents and tourists can experience a series of unique, novel, and emotional events, thereby contributing to promoting strengths and spreading tangible and intangible cultural values, resources and products. Characteristic and unique tourism products, especially raising awareness of the determination to develop green - sustainable - environmentally friendly tourism, creating a good impression on domestic and foreign tourists.

(Photo: Nguyen Vu)

Vice Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee believes that continuing the success of the 2023 National Tourism Year "Binh Thuan - Green Convergence" along with the results of achieving and exceeding all socio-economic development targets of 2023, will surely will certainly create a strong foundation for the development of the province's tourism industry, contributing to promoting a strong shift in economic structure, promoting the development of other economic sectors, creating more jobs, and increasing income for people, contributing to preserving and promoting the unique values ​​of historical and cultural relics and natural resources, beautifying the landscape and improving the environment and tourism quality of the province.

(Photo: Nguyen Vu)

At the ceremony, the Minister of Culture, Sports and Tourism awarded Certificates of Merit to 5 groups and 4 individuals with many achievements in advising, organizing and implementing the 2023 National Tourism Year "Binh Thuan - Green Convergence”; Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee awarded Certificates of Merit to 61 collectives and 46 individuals with outstanding achievements in advising, organizing, deploying and successfully implementing the 2023 National Tourism Year "Binh Thuan - Green Convergence" locally. direction.

Nguyen Vu

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