Mui Ne fishing village will become a friendly and unique check-in point

28/06/2023 2480 1
Towards an attractive attraction of a safe and friendly tourist city, Phan Thiet city (Binh Thuan) has continued to clean up and rearrange the business of small business people, has just developed announced a plan to turn Mui Ne Fishing Village into a friendly and attractive check-in place as many tourists expect.

(Model point down to Mui Ne Fishing Village)

Information from the People's Committee of Mui Ne Ward, from the beginning of 2023, after receiving reports of fraudulent trading and under-weighting of seafood in the area of ​​​​Mui Ne Fishing Village, the ward has taken action to restore order. Most recently (June 27), the locality continued to mobilize forces to arrange small traders and clean up the fishing village to welcome tourists to visit.

(The entrance to Mui Ne Fishing Village by design)

Mui Ne fishing village is a quite famous place in Phan Thiet city due to its bay with a wide view and many ships moored after the sea trips, tourists love to stop here to take pictures, check-in. virtual life. Therefore, in order to put an end to the unsightly phenomena in the eyes of tourists and return the inherent peaceful and poetic features of a fishing village, Phan Thiet city is implementing a plan to turn this place into a friendly check-in place. Friendly, attractive and unique.

(A panoramic model of Mui Ne Fishing Village)

Currently, the design drawings are being consulted before implementation. Specifically, on the shore close to Huynh Thuc Khang Street, two sails will be designed and stylized sea waves. The embankment will have 3 entrances up and down stairs painted in many colors leading visitors down to the beach. Adjacent are parking lots for visitors to park their cars and walk to the fishing village to admire, take pictures…

(The poetic beauty of Mui Ne Fishing Village)

According to "suggestions" from tourists and travel agencies, seafood traders should arrange a separate area nearby, not enter the fishing village area, The city's construction and embellishment of the fishing village area. Mui Ne as a tourist destination is necessary and should be deployed soon. When tourists are looking to Phan Thiet city to visit and relax more and more, the image of a new and unique "Mui Ne fishing village" will certainly be a "virtual living" spot not to be missed by visitors.

Nguyen Vu

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