Awakening the green tourism potential of Binh Thuan

30/05/2023 2883 0
From May 26 to 27, Binh Thuan Tourism Promotion Information Center cooperates with travel companies and media units to conduct a survey program on new tourism products, aiming to build new tourism products. Green tourism associated with the potential of "forest - waterfall - lake" in Ham Thuan Bac and Tanh Linh districts.

(Surveying the relic of Binh Thuan Provincial Party Committee Base during the war against the US; Photo: Hoai Phuong)

With the aim of awakening the potential of nature-oriented tourism, green products associated with environmental protection - currently a trend loved by many customers - the organization of surveys and construction of green tourism products In localities with advantages of forests, lakes, mountains and waterfalls, both promote tourism in the highland districts and create unique and attractive tours for tourists to visit and experience. Moreover, the product "green tourism" and enjoying fresh nature is currently very suitable for young people as well as tourists who love to explore new destinations, so the activity "wakes up the potential of green tourism". ” of the Provincial Tourism Promotion Information Center also contributes to the recovery of tourism industry activities in the coming time.

(Photo: Hoai Phuong)

Surveying the relic area of ​​Binh Thuan Provincial Party Committee base during the anti-American war, an area of ​​​​more than 10 hectares is located in Sa Lon forest (Dong Giang commune, Ham Thuan Bac) with many vestiges such as halls, shelters of the Leaders, working houses of agencies, consulting and serving units, Hoang Cam's kitchen, etc. travel agencies evaluate the relic site as a unique attraction put into operation for regional tours. high Binh Thuan. Meanwhile, at ecotourism sites such as Ham Thuan - Da Mi lake (Ham Thuan Bac district); La Ngau flower garden, La Ngau Rock Stream tourist area, Thac Ba eco-tourism area (Tanh Linh district) have all the elements of green tourism products associated with discovering the very beauties of the forest - waterfall. - Binh Thuan lake.

(Travel to experience green nature; Photo: Hoai Phuong)

According to Ms. Phan Thi Phong, tour operator of Binh Thuan Tourism and Communication Co., Ltd., through the survey with attractive, interesting destinations and possessing unique features of Binh Thuan highland, will definitely be the best tours. novel and attractive tourism to attract a large number of tourists when it is designed and exploited. And to prepare for the upcoming summer tourist season, Tourism and Communication Co., Ltd. will study and build tours and tourist routes in the direction of forest - waterfall - lake for many customers, especially students. , students and families with young children love to explore and learn about nature.

(Visit Da Mi Lake; Photo: Hoai Phuong)

From the perspective of a reporter specializing in tourism, Mr. Ngo Van Quoc Bao - Head of the Representative Office of Tourism Magazine in Ho Chi Minh City - has the advantage of marine resort products and green tourism. Experiencing the natural "forest - waterfall - lake" Binh Thuan has great potential and advantages, suitable for young people, international tourists and current tourism trends. By choosing green tourism products, visitors can experience the new, unique and wonderful landscape of Binh Thuan's forests and mountains. At the same time, linking tours, routes and unique destinations of localities in Binh Thuan province will create attractiveness, uniqueness and strong competition in attracting visitors, contributing to development of the local tourism industry.

(Potential of lakes - forests - highland waterfalls in Binh Thuan; Photo: Hoai Phuong)

Mr. Nguyen Linh Vu, Deputy Director in charge of Binh Thuan Tourism Promotion Information Center said: "Along with sea tourism, which is still Binh Thuan's strength, to diversify the province's tourism products, To create a new sense of experience tourism, prolonging the stay of tourists, the Tourism Promotion Information Center organizes a field trip to survey the potential of forests - lakes - waterfalls in order to develop into tourism products according to the needs of tourists. green tourism direction to invite tourists. Destinations such as Binh Thuan Provincial Party Committee Base Relic Area, Ham Thuan Lake - Da Mi Thac Ba Ecotourism Area ... have a lot of potential to create new tourism products, inviting visitors to come."

(Experience Da Mi fruit garden; Photo: Hoai Phuong)

Today, tourists tend to care more about the quality of the experience at the destination and will stay longer if the destination has many interesting discoveries. Therefore, the trend of tourism in search of pristine cultural, historical and ecological values ​​is also becoming popular. Therefore, not only localities and businesses must catch up with new trends in green tourism development, but also pay attention to investing in new tourism products in a sustainable way. develop new and attractive services such as outdoor camping, nature discovery tours, building tourism products about forests - lakes - waterfalls, awakening the potential of green tourism and putting it into operation. tourists, creating momentum for the sustainable development and environmental protection of Binh Thuan tourism industry.

(Tent sleeping service on Da Mi lake; Photo: Dinh Hoa)

Nguyen Vu

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