Tourism promotion towards diversifying customer markets

12/07/2022 2243 0 With optimistic forecasts about the province's socio-economic situation, the tourism industry strives to welcome about 4.5 million visitors in 2022, about 50,000 international visitors, and revenue. estimated at VND 9,000 billion.

To achieve the above goal, Binh Thuan continues to deploy many solutions to synchronously promote advertising and promotion activities in various and effective forms to continue to attract tourists.

(Promoting and promoting Binh Thuan tourism in the tourist market of Ho Chi Minh City; Photo: Nguyen Vu)

Recently, Binh Thuan tourism has focused on market research, key market positioning and potential market segments. At the same time, identifying tourism products suitable for each market, promoting the advantages of localities in the province such as sea and island tourism, sport tourism, cultural tourism - festivals, tourism ecotourism and complementary tourism such as MICE tourism, community tourism. Through the promotion and promotion activities of the Provincial Tourism Promotion Information Center, many tourism and service businesses have built their brands, becoming more and more active in promotion activities. products, making a significant contribution to promoting and promoting Binh Thuan tourist destination.

Towards the goal of building orientations and specific programs and action plans in the promotion and promotion of Binh Thuan tourism in 2022 and the period 2021 - 2025, Binh Thuan tourism promotes propaganda and gender awareness. introduce images of human land and cultural values, tourist attractions to domestic and international tourists. Along with that, building and promoting Binh Thuan tourism brand with different, unique, quality and competitive tourism products and values ​​associated with each specific market, both domestic and international. economic. In the last 6 months of the year, the tourism industry will organize activities to celebrate Binh Thuan Tourism Day 24/10, complete the National Tourism Year 2023 Project with major activities and events being organized, raising the bar and raising the bar for tourism. The scale of organizing traditional festivals such as Nghing Ong Quan Thanh, Mid-Autumn Festival, Dinh Thay Thim, Kate.

Specifically, Binh Thuan tourism is positioned as an attractive and unique tourist destination in Southeast Asia with specific types of tourism products such as: sports tourism, sea resort, cultural tourism - festivals, eco-tourism, MICE tourism, community-based tourism aimed at developing the domestic tourist market, prioritizing traditional and potential markets in Asia and Asia Europe, India and the Middle East... to step up the promotion and promotion of tourism to attract domestic and international tourists to visit and relax.

With the domestic market, Binh Thuan exploits and develops to the maximum the tourist market in the province, the number of experts and workers from industrial zones, tourists from Ho Chi Minh City, the Southeast provinces, Central Coast, Mekong Delta provinces. It will focus on young guests, teenagers, students, office workers, middle-aged and elderly guests traveling in groups of friends or family associated with beach resort sports tourism products, tourism combining entertainment, entertainment, honeymoon tourism, MICE tourism, community tourism...

For the international market, the priority market groups for promotion and promotion are ASEAN countries, Northeast Asia, Australia and New Zealand. The key market groups to maintain marketing activities are Western European countries, Nordic markets, and North America, focusing on elderly guests, family visitors, civil servants, young people, students, and students of all types. Sea resort, high-class island, visit relatives, visit ancient battlefields, visit historical sites, eco-tourism, adventure, homestay. Particularly, potential markets that need to be developed will include India and the Middle East. This is a market that needs to be focused on promoting and promoting with customers who often follow their families, middle-aged guests, and young people who tend to like to visit the city, cultural tourism combined with high-class resorts.

Nguyen Vu

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