These kinds of food can increase the resistance to prevent Coronavirus

19/02/2020 4060 0
Salmon, beef, garlic and onion… are the healthy food which can increase the immune system to prevent infection of  new Coronavirus.

Salmon, beef, garlic and onion… are the healthy food which can increase the immune system to prevent infection of  new Coronavirus.

Beef has very high zinc content, it’s very good for preventing the flu. The Zinc supports the human body to create white blood cells to increase the better immune system.
Apart from choosing beef, chicken, lamb, sesame, green been… all contains a lot of zinc.

A portion of 84, 9 g salmon can provide nearly 40 percent protein and more than half need of Vitamin D for the body. Research shows that the lack of Vitamin D, people will get exposed the virus highly. In the meat of salmon contains lots of essential lipoid acids  which are good for immune system.


Yogurt + the Fruits containing Vitamin A
The fermented foods like yogurt contains probiotics, they promote the immune system in the body. The yogurt without sugar would be good for health.

Kiwi fruit
Vitamin C is a famous substance to prevent the flu. Vitamin C can shorten the time to get cold and prevent disease. An orange contains 160percent the need of body everyday, grapefruit will be 120 percent, kiwi is 273 percent. If the price of kiwi fruit is expensive compared to the normal days, we can chose other fruits like orange, grapefruit, tangerine, guava, apple…

Carrot, vegetable
Carrot has a lot of beta carotene and Vitamin A which can help body against  and prevent the cell injury, it can also repairs the weakened immune system.

Garlic, Onion, shallot
Onion and shallot increase the activeness of immune cells in the body and decrease the level of flu. Onion helps to increase the white blood cells to prevent the germs.
Especially, Garlic is also actively good for the immune system because of having much phytonutrient, garlicin and selen. These help human body prevent the diseases in general, the flu in particular. The best way is using the fresh garlic. We should eat from 03 to 05 bulbs of garlic everyday or process the garlic wine….


Tomato has many good effects such as increasing the immune system, preventing the lack of water, protecting the skin and body from the sunlight, containing vitamin C, fiber…
Therefore, everyone should eat at least 4 times per week to prevent  maximum the damages from the bad weather. The housewife should put tomato into the meals everyday for the members in the family.

Mushroom and fennel
The research shows that mushroom can resist the virus. Mushroom contains polysaccharides to support the immune system.
To optimize the immune system, we should co-ordinate some kinds of mushroom in a meal like maitake, thin-top mushroom, lingzhi mushroom.

Water is very important to the body. When lacking of water, the body will have no ability to resist disease as usual.

According to
Translated by Van Thao

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